👨‍💻 Andrew Tirto Kusumo

🚀 Senior Data Engineer

🔧 A Data Plumber with a big enthusiasm for making my team work faster and better. Also love analyzing data and wrangling with them. 🎢

💡 I am a passionate Senior Data Engineer with extensive experience in developing and optimizing data pipelines, implementing ETL processes, and managing cloud-based data infrastructure.

🛠️ My expertise spans across various tools and technologies including Airflow 🌬️, DBT 🧱, Google BigQuery 🔍, Python 🐍, Docker 🐳, and more. I have a strong track record of improving development efficiency and reducing costs in data management. 📊💰

Work Experience

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05/2024 – Present

Senior Data Engineer

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12/2022 – 05/2024

Data Engineer Manager

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09/2021 – 12/2022

Senior Data Engineer

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1/2021 – 9/2021

Senior Data Engineer

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8/2018 – 1/2021

Data Engineer

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6/2017 – 5/2018

Data Engineer and Analyst

Explore Other Skills

Technical Skills

Data EngineeringData AnalysisFeature GenerationFeature MonitoringModel MonitoringModel DeploymentCI/CDInstance ManagementPredictive Machine LearningInternet of ThingsLinux OS

Programming Languages



GCPAWSAlibaba CloudAzure Machine LearningGithub


Enthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - Indonesia
Enthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - IndonesiaEnthusiast Data Engineer - Indonesia
Let's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussion
Let's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussionLet's work together, I'm open for discussion


Flip Level Up Event


A project together with Algoritma and DANA. I was invited to be one of the speakers in the event, speaking about Data Protection in Fintech.

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DQLAB - Feature Engineering with Python


A project together with DQlab where I create teaching material for them. Feature Engineering with Python using Kaggle Titanic Dataset.

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Create an Open Source KYC for KTP based on the data from Government. It translates people's KTP number into Location, Gender, and DOB.


  • Contribute to Github Arctic Code Vault
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Multimedia Nusantara University

Bachelor of Computer Science in Computer Engineering

Concentration: Oracle Database Administrator

GPA: 3.78 / 4.0

Period: 2014 - 2018


Speech Recognition Analysis using Convolutional Neural Network for Indonesian Language


  • Academic Scholarship from University (Given to only top 5% (158 from 4500+) students per Year)

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